Tureen - Herend Rothschild Bird

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Tureen - Herend Rothschild Bird

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Tureen - Herend Rothschild Bird

Out of Stock Special Order Item
Item: C-108-RBD
Price: $150.00

This design is a reproduction of the Antique Rothschild Bird pattern by the Herend company.  See more information on the pattern in the information section.  There are 6 distinct patterns that are available for this pattern choose from the dropdown.  There are hand sculpted rose details on the handles and the ladle and a hand sculpted lemon on the lid
This pattern is transferred to the china and then hand painted with china paints.  It is then highlighted with burnished gold.

For more information about this pattern and how I created it check in the gallery for the Rothschild Bird

Size:  1 1/16" (27mm) long 5/8" (15mm) wide and 3/4" (20mm) tall and is suitable for use in a 1" scale setting.